
We are an Investment and Financial Analyst Advisory Online Platform

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We ANALYZE, INTERPRET and ADVICE on Risks that affect your Financial Investments cushioning you against Shocks for Success.

Business Risk
Business Risk

Risks associated with the core business of the company or an asset you are purchasing that is independent of the broader market..

Market Risk
Market Risk

Risks that may make an investment to fail due to the overall changes in the market direction causing the correlated changes to move together. Even good investments could lose money due to negative move in the overall market. 

Credt Risk
Credt Risk

Are Risks associated with default on debt by Corporates or other entities due to changes in their financial situations and obligations where bound investors may lose their money invested.   

Liquidity Risk
Liquidity Risk

Risks associated with conversion of an asset into liquid cash. Markets are not always liquid and therefore the time between the investment and need for money invested possess greater challenges in some assets such as in Real Estate, Shares, Stocks that takes a long time to sell or one is forced to sell at a wrong time when the values are low. 

Interest Risk
Interest Risk

Risks related to fluctuations in interest rates. Asset prices tend to be more inverse of the interest rates such that when interest rate raises, the price of the stock, bond or real estate fluctuates based on the economic conditions, global outstanding debts, or government policy.

Regulatory Risk
Regulatory Risk

Decisions made by politicians and policy makers can affect the profitability of the company one invests in. Fiscal and Monetary policy changes can make or break a good Investment strategy leading to deteriorating effect on the economic wellbeing and operations of a company leading to extinction. 


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Thinking of Investing. We are there for you.

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Specialist Advisory Panel

Connect with our Specialist

<p>Connect with our Consultants directly using phone, tablet or computer. Our specialists listen to your speciali need that needs advise then specially analyzes it then render a viable advice to help you thrive this tough economic times.</p>

How It Works1

Using SecuritiesPesa helps to easily connect with Specialities at a time and place suitable to you. Here, we explain how your visit works.

How do I register?

Click here to register. From that page, click on 'Register as a client'. You will be redirected to another page having a registration form. Enter your valid details.

How do I consult a Specialist ?

After registering and logging in, proceed to click Consult a Specialist link to describe Your Need.

How will a Specialist contact me?

After placing your consultancy request, a Specialist shall contact you within the shortest time possible either via phone call or via email.

How will I receive Consultations?

The specialsit will make analysis of your need then come up with a detailed solution which you will get by mail